41 min

031. Katie Daly Weiss: One “Yes” Away from Exponential Growth Consider the Wildflowers

    • Entrepreneurship

When a day spent bored at home turned into a scroll on Pinterest turned into buying soy wax and teaching herself how to make candles, I doubt today’s guest could have imagined that ten years later candle making would be how she spends her days and pays her bills! Did you know that out of all five senses, scent is the one most closely tied to memories? Something I’m sure Katy Daly Weiss, founder of Big White Yeti Candle Company, thinks about as she formulates new scents in her candle studio ak...

When a day spent bored at home turned into a scroll on Pinterest turned into buying soy wax and teaching herself how to make candles, I doubt today’s guest could have imagined that ten years later candle making would be how she spends her days and pays her bills! Did you know that out of all five senses, scent is the one most closely tied to memories? Something I’m sure Katy Daly Weiss, founder of Big White Yeti Candle Company, thinks about as she formulates new scents in her candle studio ak...

41 min