34 min

036 | 100 Karin Stark: On-farm renewables 100 Climate Conversations

    • Earth Sciences

Renewable energy systems on farms can dramatically reduce carbon emissions as well as alleviate economic pressure for farmers. After the successful installation of a solar-diesel hybrid pump on her own farm, environmental scientist turned farmer Karin Stark is championing the uptake of on-farm renewables.  
Karin Stark is recorded live in conversation with Gabrielle Chan at Powerhouse Ultimo. For more information go to 100climateconversations.com/karin-stark

Renewable energy systems on farms can dramatically reduce carbon emissions as well as alleviate economic pressure for farmers. After the successful installation of a solar-diesel hybrid pump on her own farm, environmental scientist turned farmer Karin Stark is championing the uptake of on-farm renewables.  
Karin Stark is recorded live in conversation with Gabrielle Chan at Powerhouse Ultimo. For more information go to 100climateconversations.com/karin-stark

34 min