54 min

055 - The Aphrodisiac Secret with Meredith Shrik The Vital Way

    • Alternative Health

Meredith Shirk is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified personal trainer, Fitness Nutritional Specialist, with a Magna Cum Laude Degree in Biology and self-proclaimed scientific research geek.
For the past decade, Meredith has been passionate about achieving peak performance. She helps her clients achieve this at Svelte Training in Malibu, California.

Meredith Shirk is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified personal trainer, Fitness Nutritional Specialist, with a Magna Cum Laude Degree in Biology and self-proclaimed scientific research geek.
For the past decade, Meredith has been passionate about achieving peak performance. She helps her clients achieve this at Svelte Training in Malibu, California.

54 min