49 min

058. Alexandria Smith: A Leap of Faith into Motherhood Photography Consider the Wildflowers

    • Entrepreneurship

From quitting her job and starting a motherhood photography business to taking over her father’s farm, moving cross country, and starting over with a completely new client base – Alex Smith, photographer behind love daphne mae photography, is no stranger to leaps of faith.Our conversation today was the reminder I needed to continually seek the life I want to live, and make sure my business is supporting that life. WILDFLOWER SHOWNOTES : shannaskidmore.com/alexandria-smith📌 RESOURCES MEN...

From quitting her job and starting a motherhood photography business to taking over her father’s farm, moving cross country, and starting over with a completely new client base – Alex Smith, photographer behind love daphne mae photography, is no stranger to leaps of faith.Our conversation today was the reminder I needed to continually seek the life I want to live, and make sure my business is supporting that life. WILDFLOWER SHOWNOTES : shannaskidmore.com/alexandria-smith📌 RESOURCES MEN...

49 min