44 min

059: Being a Beginner I Got You, Boo!

    • Personal Journals

Every expert was once a beginner.

But it's not often talked about.
It needed talking about…
So we talked about it!

Those awko taco early days at a new job or learning a new skill or taking on a new responsibility. We often admire others for what they've accomplished or the success they've seen but what about how they got there?! What about what it felt like to be a beginner?!

Being a beginner can be overwhelming and scary, and also FUN AF! Tune in as we throw it back and reflect on what being a beginner has looked like (and currently looks) for us!

Was there ever a time when you were afraid to be a beginner?! How did you deal with those feels?! We'd love to hear about it, Boo Crew! Sliiide into the DMs on the IG machine @igotyouboopod OR electronic mail us at hellohellooo@igotyouboopod.com!

Every expert was once a beginner.

But it's not often talked about.
It needed talking about…
So we talked about it!

Those awko taco early days at a new job or learning a new skill or taking on a new responsibility. We often admire others for what they've accomplished or the success they've seen but what about how they got there?! What about what it felt like to be a beginner?!

Being a beginner can be overwhelming and scary, and also FUN AF! Tune in as we throw it back and reflect on what being a beginner has looked like (and currently looks) for us!

Was there ever a time when you were afraid to be a beginner?! How did you deal with those feels?! We'd love to hear about it, Boo Crew! Sliiide into the DMs on the IG machine @igotyouboopod OR electronic mail us at hellohellooo@igotyouboopod.com!

44 min