22 min

06: The Power of Planning with Digital Nomads Anastasia & Tomer Digital Nomads Daily - Real Life Stories, Tips & Inspiration

    • Self-Improvement

Anastasia & Tomer are business coaches specialized in helping bloggers and content creators make money online. While they were both in a corporate job, they planned and worked towards their dream life ‘traveling the world’. In this episode, they share their process of how they planned, saved up money, and created passive income before they started traveling. We also talk about how you can make money online as a blogger and content creator. Check out the show notes via www.digitalnomadsdai...

Anastasia & Tomer are business coaches specialized in helping bloggers and content creators make money online. While they were both in a corporate job, they planned and worked towards their dream life ‘traveling the world’. In this episode, they share their process of how they planned, saved up money, and created passive income before they started traveling. We also talk about how you can make money online as a blogger and content creator. Check out the show notes via www.digitalnomadsdai...

22 min