54 min


    • Personal Journals

Parenting in tune with our ancestry
Darcia Narvaez, PhD is a professor emerita at Notre Dame, author, and expert in morality, parenting, and neurobiology.

Darcia looks to our ancestral roots as Hunter-Gatherers to inform her worldview and her approach to parenting--incorporating essential human qualities like play, cooperation, and sharing.

Her work on the "Evolved Nest" can be found at Psychology Today and evolvednest.org

Find her academic work on her homepage.

Check out her books Neurobiology the Development of Human Morality and Restoring the Kinship Worldview (with Wahinkpe Topa)

Watch the Breaking the Cycle Video (youtube)


Complete topics include:

James shares how he encountered Darcia’s work when his firstborn son was 6 months old
Why Darcia hears from a lot of first-time Dads
The Evolved Nest--a set of human and animal practices with a 75 million years heritage
The 9 components of the Evolved Nest, all supported by neuroscience
The magic of soothing perinatal experiences
the adaptive power of breastmilk to feed a babies changing needs
Why we tend to ween our children too early
Darcia teases her new book “The Evolved Nest: Nature’s way of raising children”
how the nest “evolved” and why every species nest is a little different
how in the last 10 000 years (or in the 1%) of our existence our development course changed
The importance of a warm social climate in Small Band Hunter Gatherers (SBHG)
How Mayan’s get their teenagers to take out the trash: let them start helping at 1
24/7 presence of caregivers in SBHG
why negative touch is avoided in SBHG
James Prescott study of carrying and breastfeed leading to peaceable societies
Why the nest is for everyone throughout life, not just for babies or children
a space of play, care, nurturing, and touch
importance of self-directed play and the fostering of cooperative social skills and executive skills

Why SBHG never let babies cry
-The evolved nest is immersed in nature

The Sun Bushman and the regularity of healing practices—scheduled weekly or as often needed

Healing practices are how we rebalance and remain connected to the natural world
Why grandparents can be more in tuned to young children then parents
What Rousseau got wrong: no one starts alone—it’s dyadic: mother and child
How parents’ and even grandparents’ stress can be passed on to a child
How can a emotionally disregulated populace raise emotionally regulated offspring?
Brain-Based Parenting (book) (link)
Playful parenting (book) (link)
When parents feel upset or stressed, try to switch into a playful mode as it shifts brain systems
Why parents should start pillow fights—play is the best thing for disregulation
James shares a story about how his son guided him through “big emotions”
Hawaiian idea of the spirit as a bowl of light, where unhealed wounds and trauma are like strips of velcro blocking the light
examples of indigenous healing practices
Richard Katz - Boiling Energy (book) (link)
healing practices as a release—getting back in tune with the greater powers
how to integrate healing practices into a modern family setting

importance of unstructured outdoor play and wrestling
Roughhouse parenting (link book): importance of wrestling for brain development

how folk song games develop the right brain and vagus nerve

The challenges of creating an evolved nest in modern society, especially contemporary USA
Why parents might need to “want less” to establish an evolved nest
how to create a village feel when you don’t have extended family in town
why Darcia think the US is “the worst place to raise a child right now”
In our ancestral heritage, children were the centre of life—their needs are crucial to ancestral and primal societies, as well as other mammals like Bonobos
In traditional societies, a baby’s needs are anticipated, whereas in the west a baby is expected to cry out
How British imperialism spread a culture of com

Parenting in tune with our ancestry
Darcia Narvaez, PhD is a professor emerita at Notre Dame, author, and expert in morality, parenting, and neurobiology.

Darcia looks to our ancestral roots as Hunter-Gatherers to inform her worldview and her approach to parenting--incorporating essential human qualities like play, cooperation, and sharing.

Her work on the "Evolved Nest" can be found at Psychology Today and evolvednest.org

Find her academic work on her homepage.

Check out her books Neurobiology the Development of Human Morality and Restoring the Kinship Worldview (with Wahinkpe Topa)

Watch the Breaking the Cycle Video (youtube)


Complete topics include:

James shares how he encountered Darcia’s work when his firstborn son was 6 months old
Why Darcia hears from a lot of first-time Dads
The Evolved Nest--a set of human and animal practices with a 75 million years heritage
The 9 components of the Evolved Nest, all supported by neuroscience
The magic of soothing perinatal experiences
the adaptive power of breastmilk to feed a babies changing needs
Why we tend to ween our children too early
Darcia teases her new book “The Evolved Nest: Nature’s way of raising children”
how the nest “evolved” and why every species nest is a little different
how in the last 10 000 years (or in the 1%) of our existence our development course changed
The importance of a warm social climate in Small Band Hunter Gatherers (SBHG)
How Mayan’s get their teenagers to take out the trash: let them start helping at 1
24/7 presence of caregivers in SBHG
why negative touch is avoided in SBHG
James Prescott study of carrying and breastfeed leading to peaceable societies
Why the nest is for everyone throughout life, not just for babies or children
a space of play, care, nurturing, and touch
importance of self-directed play and the fostering of cooperative social skills and executive skills

Why SBHG never let babies cry
-The evolved nest is immersed in nature

The Sun Bushman and the regularity of healing practices—scheduled weekly or as often needed

Healing practices are how we rebalance and remain connected to the natural world
Why grandparents can be more in tuned to young children then parents
What Rousseau got wrong: no one starts alone—it’s dyadic: mother and child
How parents’ and even grandparents’ stress can be passed on to a child
How can a emotionally disregulated populace raise emotionally regulated offspring?
Brain-Based Parenting (book) (link)
Playful parenting (book) (link)
When parents feel upset or stressed, try to switch into a playful mode as it shifts brain systems
Why parents should start pillow fights—play is the best thing for disregulation
James shares a story about how his son guided him through “big emotions”
Hawaiian idea of the spirit as a bowl of light, where unhealed wounds and trauma are like strips of velcro blocking the light
examples of indigenous healing practices
Richard Katz - Boiling Energy (book) (link)
healing practices as a release—getting back in tune with the greater powers
how to integrate healing practices into a modern family setting

importance of unstructured outdoor play and wrestling
Roughhouse parenting (link book): importance of wrestling for brain development

how folk song games develop the right brain and vagus nerve

The challenges of creating an evolved nest in modern society, especially contemporary USA
Why parents might need to “want less” to establish an evolved nest
how to create a village feel when you don’t have extended family in town
why Darcia think the US is “the worst place to raise a child right now”
In our ancestral heritage, children were the centre of life—their needs are crucial to ancestral and primal societies, as well as other mammals like Bonobos
In traditional societies, a baby’s needs are anticipated, whereas in the west a baby is expected to cry out
How British imperialism spread a culture of com

54 min