36 min

080 - How to Hear God’s Voice When He Speaks The Higher Christian Life

    • Christianity

“Follow Me, and I Will Make You… Whatever I Want”In the Gospels, we encounter a radical figure who issues a bold invitation to those He calls unto Himself: “Follow Me.” These words, spoken by Jesus, are not merely a suggestion but a summons, a mandate to leave life as we have always known it and embark on a journey that has no end— at least on this side of heaven. His invitation is to die to self, to follow Him wholeheartedly, and to imitate Him in all aspects of life.
Or, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously said, “When Christ calls a man, He bids him to come and die.” But what does it really mean to follow Jesus, especially in the context of the 21st-century woke Christian culture we find ourselves in? How can we be faithful disciples of our Lord?
What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?The essence of Jesus’ call to “Follow Me” is about more than just physically moving from where you are to where He is. It’s an invitation to a new way of life. It’s about leaving behind old priorities and identities (like nets or tax booths in the Gospels) and embracing a new identity rooted in faith and obedience to Christ. And this call is marked by a willingness to let go of personal ambitions and possessions, or to take up one’s cross (Matt. 16:24), and to enter a life of service and mission with Him, by following Him. It’s about embracing all that Christ offers: His teachings, His lifestyle, His ambition, His mission, His sacrifice, and the purpose of His life.
Ok, got that.
I’ve heard sermons about giving all to Christ for as long as I can remember. But ‌every time I try to truly follow Him wholeheartedly, I seem to fail. Sometimes miserably. There has to be something I’m missing— maybe some key ingredient I have somehow overlooked.
And, to be honest, there is.
The Importance of Hearing His Voice When He SpeaksBut there is also one vital aspect of following Jesus that is often neglected in our preaching and church practices— and that is being able, or acquiring the ability, to hear His voice when He speaks to you. Otherwise, how can you follow Him? For without His direction, you’re basically flying blind. I mean, how can you know what He wants you to do? How can He encourage you, instruct you, or even rebuke you? And how can you have fellowship with Him or grow in the likeness of Him if you can’t hear Him when He speaks?
Remember, one vital and essential key to following Jesus is to speak to Him and have Him speak back to you. This is the essence of a relationship with the Lord. All relationships, with God or with someone else, are built on two-way communication and not a single monologue from only one partner. And without a relationship… well, we’re just talking about religion. And nobody wants religion.
Some FAQs About Hearing His VoiceSo let me ask you, are you a follower of Jesus? Do you hear His voice when He speaks to you? And if you’re not sure, let me answer just a few questions you may have.
Q: How do I know if it’s God speaking to me?
A: God’s voice will never contradict Scripture. Never. And His voice brings peace and clarity in confusing situations, often challenges us to grow spiritually, and is always consistent with His character of love. Plus, and I know this may sound mystical, but when God speaks, you will recognize His voice like His sheep do their Shepherd (John 10:3-4). Or, to put it another way, there is no way you cannot hear His voice if you belong to Him as one of His sheep. Read the chapter yourself.
Q: What if I don’t hear anything?
A: God can even speak in silence. These times of silence may be...

“Follow Me, and I Will Make You… Whatever I Want”In the Gospels, we encounter a radical figure who issues a bold invitation to those He calls unto Himself: “Follow Me.” These words, spoken by Jesus, are not merely a suggestion but a summons, a mandate to leave life as we have always known it and embark on a journey that has no end— at least on this side of heaven. His invitation is to die to self, to follow Him wholeheartedly, and to imitate Him in all aspects of life.
Or, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously said, “When Christ calls a man, He bids him to come and die.” But what does it really mean to follow Jesus, especially in the context of the 21st-century woke Christian culture we find ourselves in? How can we be faithful disciples of our Lord?
What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?The essence of Jesus’ call to “Follow Me” is about more than just physically moving from where you are to where He is. It’s an invitation to a new way of life. It’s about leaving behind old priorities and identities (like nets or tax booths in the Gospels) and embracing a new identity rooted in faith and obedience to Christ. And this call is marked by a willingness to let go of personal ambitions and possessions, or to take up one’s cross (Matt. 16:24), and to enter a life of service and mission with Him, by following Him. It’s about embracing all that Christ offers: His teachings, His lifestyle, His ambition, His mission, His sacrifice, and the purpose of His life.
Ok, got that.
I’ve heard sermons about giving all to Christ for as long as I can remember. But ‌every time I try to truly follow Him wholeheartedly, I seem to fail. Sometimes miserably. There has to be something I’m missing— maybe some key ingredient I have somehow overlooked.
And, to be honest, there is.
The Importance of Hearing His Voice When He SpeaksBut there is also one vital aspect of following Jesus that is often neglected in our preaching and church practices— and that is being able, or acquiring the ability, to hear His voice when He speaks to you. Otherwise, how can you follow Him? For without His direction, you’re basically flying blind. I mean, how can you know what He wants you to do? How can He encourage you, instruct you, or even rebuke you? And how can you have fellowship with Him or grow in the likeness of Him if you can’t hear Him when He speaks?
Remember, one vital and essential key to following Jesus is to speak to Him and have Him speak back to you. This is the essence of a relationship with the Lord. All relationships, with God or with someone else, are built on two-way communication and not a single monologue from only one partner. And without a relationship… well, we’re just talking about religion. And nobody wants religion.
Some FAQs About Hearing His VoiceSo let me ask you, are you a follower of Jesus? Do you hear His voice when He speaks to you? And if you’re not sure, let me answer just a few questions you may have.
Q: How do I know if it’s God speaking to me?
A: God’s voice will never contradict Scripture. Never. And His voice brings peace and clarity in confusing situations, often challenges us to grow spiritually, and is always consistent with His character of love. Plus, and I know this may sound mystical, but when God speaks, you will recognize His voice like His sheep do their Shepherd (John 10:3-4). Or, to put it another way, there is no way you cannot hear His voice if you belong to Him as one of His sheep. Read the chapter yourself.
Q: What if I don’t hear anything?
A: God can even speak in silence. These times of silence may be...

36 min