36 min

090: Why Create Relationship Guidelines For Your Personal and Professional Life Sex, Money and Real Estate

    • Relationships

Ask yourself - Whether personal or business, what have you attracted into your life as far as relationships go? Do your relationships support you in your path to being the person you want to be? Or do they take away from your awesomeness and dull a little of your shine? Maybe there’s a mix of both?
Here’s some raw truth for you: the less than healthy relationships you have are due to a lack of accountability and standards around them. It’s not the other person. It’s not their problems or their baggage or their past. It’s about what YOU’VE allowed and supported through YOUR actions, which is all based on whether you have standards and whether they’ve been upheld. 
One more thing to remember is one of the most important: YOU BECOME THE PEOPLE YOU HANG AROUND. Your world views, beliefs, thoughts, behavior, habits and character are all influenced by the people you keep in your life. Therefore, creating and maintaining standards is not just about loving on yourself today, it’s about ensuring you’re helping yourself become the person you wish to become tomorrow (the person outlined in your mission statement). 
Real Estate: JamisonAndCompany.com Coaching: https://bit.ly/JAMcoaching #JamFam FB Community : https://www.facebook.com/groups/sexmoneyrealestate IG: @sexmoneyrealestate Email: SexMoneyRealEstate@gmail.com Review: SexMoneyRealEstate.com Improve your Personal Capacity w/ the YDBG App: TheYdbg.com

Ask yourself - Whether personal or business, what have you attracted into your life as far as relationships go? Do your relationships support you in your path to being the person you want to be? Or do they take away from your awesomeness and dull a little of your shine? Maybe there’s a mix of both?
Here’s some raw truth for you: the less than healthy relationships you have are due to a lack of accountability and standards around them. It’s not the other person. It’s not their problems or their baggage or their past. It’s about what YOU’VE allowed and supported through YOUR actions, which is all based on whether you have standards and whether they’ve been upheld. 
One more thing to remember is one of the most important: YOU BECOME THE PEOPLE YOU HANG AROUND. Your world views, beliefs, thoughts, behavior, habits and character are all influenced by the people you keep in your life. Therefore, creating and maintaining standards is not just about loving on yourself today, it’s about ensuring you’re helping yourself become the person you wish to become tomorrow (the person outlined in your mission statement). 
Real Estate: JamisonAndCompany.com Coaching: https://bit.ly/JAMcoaching #JamFam FB Community : https://www.facebook.com/groups/sexmoneyrealestate IG: @sexmoneyrealestate Email: SexMoneyRealEstate@gmail.com Review: SexMoneyRealEstate.com Improve your Personal Capacity w/ the YDBG App: TheYdbg.com

36 min