11 min

1 Website Update That Can Drastically Improve Conversions Missions to Movements

    • Non-Profit

I'd love to hear from you! Send me a text message here and let me know what you thought about the episode. :)There's ONE word that might be hindering your conversion rate on your website and your emails, and you'll be shocked to know what it is.Today’s solo episode is one I’ve been wanting to record for awhile. This topic came up in my monthly giving mastermind program as I was tackling online donation audits for each organization.What I’m about to share goes into the psychology of giving, an...

I'd love to hear from you! Send me a text message here and let me know what you thought about the episode. :)There's ONE word that might be hindering your conversion rate on your website and your emails, and you'll be shocked to know what it is.Today’s solo episode is one I’ve been wanting to record for awhile. This topic came up in my monthly giving mastermind program as I was tackling online donation audits for each organization.What I’m about to share goes into the psychology of giving, an...

11 min