38 min

100: Spreading the Message of Hope Through Podcasts Longing for More

    • Christianity

We are called to share the hope we have in Jesus with the world. Some share as a ministry, others as a part of their work, and yet others simply by the actions they take. A relatively new way to share the message is through podcasting. But you don't have to host your own show to use this platform. You can be a guest on a show or you can simply share an episode of your favorite show with those you love. In today's episode of Longing for More, the host of the podcast, By His Grace, Misty Philli...

We are called to share the hope we have in Jesus with the world. Some share as a ministry, others as a part of their work, and yet others simply by the actions they take. A relatively new way to share the message is through podcasting. But you don't have to host your own show to use this platform. You can be a guest on a show or you can simply share an episode of your favorite show with those you love. In today's episode of Longing for More, the host of the podcast, By His Grace, Misty Philli...

38 min