39 min

106. Motherhood - The Ultimate Makeover with Carrie Gress (Theology of Home‪)‬ Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts

    • Christianity

Want to connect? Send me a quick message here!“Like a master sculptor shaping us into new creations through the blows that come with each spilled cup, every lost hour of sleep, and all that laundry, God is giving us the ultimate makeover. Motherhood is not merely a quick phase to endure until we “can have our life back,” but a much deeper gift. It is a divine makeover, forming us for eternity.” ~ Carrie GressThis week I chat with the lovely Carrie Gress of Theology of Home about Motherhood as...

Want to connect? Send me a quick message here!“Like a master sculptor shaping us into new creations through the blows that come with each spilled cup, every lost hour of sleep, and all that laundry, God is giving us the ultimate makeover. Motherhood is not merely a quick phase to endure until we “can have our life back,” but a much deeper gift. It is a divine makeover, forming us for eternity.” ~ Carrie GressThis week I chat with the lovely Carrie Gress of Theology of Home about Motherhood as...

39 min