29 min

#11 - Catherine Stehman-Breen: Innovating an "On" and "Off" Switch for Cell and Gene Therapy The Simple BioTech Podcast

    • Life Sciences

Imagine if you could turn the characteristics of a cell on and off… or up and down like a volume trigger… constantly tuning things until everything is working just right. It might sound impossible, but that’s exactly what Obsidian therapeutics is working on. I’ll admit, it was tough for me to wrap my mind around this one at first, but my guest today did a fantastic job of explaining things. So without further ado, chief development officer of Obsidian therapeutics, Catherine Stehman-Breen.Pod...

Imagine if you could turn the characteristics of a cell on and off… or up and down like a volume trigger… constantly tuning things until everything is working just right. It might sound impossible, but that’s exactly what Obsidian therapeutics is working on. I’ll admit, it was tough for me to wrap my mind around this one at first, but my guest today did a fantastic job of explaining things. So without further ado, chief development officer of Obsidian therapeutics, Catherine Stehman-Breen.Pod...

29 min