17 min

#11: You Were Created for More: How To Find Your Ideal Work Mom’s Roadmap Home - Biblical Strategies for Leaving the Workplace to Come Home | Faith Mindset, Save Money, Make Money Onl

    • Parenting

Have you ever felt that you were created for more than what you’re doing right now?
There are millions of people who are living a life they tolerate instead of living a life they love. They dream of one day doing what they love but now feel that they’re stuck.
Maybe you initially thought that your career would make you happy, but you soon discovered that it’s left you feeling unfulfilled. 
You feel that you’ve been called to do something different—something that allows you to be home with your kids AND perhaps make some money too— but you just aren’t sure what to do and how to make it happen.
Well, there’s hope!
>>>>CLICK HERE TO GET THE FREEBIE JUST FOR MOMS: The Working Mom’s Toolkit for Transitioning Home 

In this episode… 
During today’s episode, I’m going to share how you can discover the gifts, talents, strengths, and skills you possess that can be used to bring in enough income for you to stay home with your kiddos. You’ll get the first steps to help you in finding your ideal remote career.
You’ll hear about…
[0:03:12] My backstory and how it helped me find my ideal work-from-home job
[0:07:00] God’s goal for us
[0:07:57] How to discover your assignment
[0:11:32] Questions to help you assess your opportunities
[0:13:01] What to do if this step is difficult for you
[0:15:23] The next steps
Knowing your God-given gifts and strengths helps you identify your calling. And discovering your calling allows you to live life with intention and focus.

>>>>>>> FREEBIE OFFER HERE >>> Just click here to get your free guide: The Working Mom’s Toolkit and Bible Promises for Transitioning Home
Click here to listen! 
If you found value in today’s episode, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This allows me to help more moms who, like you, are looking for strategies for leaving the workplace for home. Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and then select “Write a Review.” Please be sure to share what you loved most about the episode!
I also invite you to follow the podcast. I don’t want you to miss out on any bonus episodes I add to the feed.

Have you ever felt that you were created for more than what you’re doing right now?
There are millions of people who are living a life they tolerate instead of living a life they love. They dream of one day doing what they love but now feel that they’re stuck.
Maybe you initially thought that your career would make you happy, but you soon discovered that it’s left you feeling unfulfilled. 
You feel that you’ve been called to do something different—something that allows you to be home with your kids AND perhaps make some money too— but you just aren’t sure what to do and how to make it happen.
Well, there’s hope!
>>>>CLICK HERE TO GET THE FREEBIE JUST FOR MOMS: The Working Mom’s Toolkit for Transitioning Home 

In this episode… 
During today’s episode, I’m going to share how you can discover the gifts, talents, strengths, and skills you possess that can be used to bring in enough income for you to stay home with your kiddos. You’ll get the first steps to help you in finding your ideal remote career.
You’ll hear about…
[0:03:12] My backstory and how it helped me find my ideal work-from-home job
[0:07:00] God’s goal for us
[0:07:57] How to discover your assignment
[0:11:32] Questions to help you assess your opportunities
[0:13:01] What to do if this step is difficult for you
[0:15:23] The next steps
Knowing your God-given gifts and strengths helps you identify your calling. And discovering your calling allows you to live life with intention and focus.

>>>>>>> FREEBIE OFFER HERE >>> Just click here to get your free guide: The Working Mom’s Toolkit and Bible Promises for Transitioning Home
Click here to listen! 
If you found value in today’s episode, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This allows me to help more moms who, like you, are looking for strategies for leaving the workplace for home. Simply click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and then select “Write a Review.” Please be sure to share what you loved most about the episode!
I also invite you to follow the podcast. I don’t want you to miss out on any bonus episodes I add to the feed.

17 min