30 min

115. Adoption Restoration with Patrick Baker Part Two Help! I'm Raising Fatherless Kids

    • Parenting

Adoption creates much for someone to process. From understanding the reasons behind the initial decision to place a child for adoption to knowing the family that will raise the child and processing the merging of the stories as they get older.

Realistically, an adopted child will sort through the reality of three fathers: the biological dad, the adopted dad, and God as Father. 

In this episode, Patrick talks about:

Meeting his biological father

Working through the emotions necessary for redemption of his story

God’s glory in adoption

Mom, you are not alone! 

Join our private Facebook group for more encouragement and community: https://bit.ly/widowmom 

For more information and helpful resources, check our website: PerspectiveMinistries.org & follow us on Instagram @PerspectiveMinistries.

Adoption creates much for someone to process. From understanding the reasons behind the initial decision to place a child for adoption to knowing the family that will raise the child and processing the merging of the stories as they get older.

Realistically, an adopted child will sort through the reality of three fathers: the biological dad, the adopted dad, and God as Father. 

In this episode, Patrick talks about:

Meeting his biological father

Working through the emotions necessary for redemption of his story

God’s glory in adoption

Mom, you are not alone! 

Join our private Facebook group for more encouragement and community: https://bit.ly/widowmom 

For more information and helpful resources, check our website: PerspectiveMinistries.org & follow us on Instagram @PerspectiveMinistries.

30 min