23 min

115. We're Getting Unconscious Bias Really Wrong Know Better Do Better

    • Politics

Unconscious racial bias is shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. Learn what unconscious bias really is, and more importantly, what it isn't. Only when the misconceptions are cleared away can you really know how to do something about it.

Related episodes:
91. A Thorough Debunking of The Racial Bias Test on Apple and Spotify
92. Everyone’s Wrong About Racial Bias, Part Two on Apple and Spotify

To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head to patreon.com/mariebeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head to mariebeecham.com.

Unconscious racial bias is shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. Learn what unconscious bias really is, and more importantly, what it isn't. Only when the misconceptions are cleared away can you really know how to do something about it.

Related episodes:
91. A Thorough Debunking of The Racial Bias Test on Apple and Spotify
92. Everyone’s Wrong About Racial Bias, Part Two on Apple and Spotify

To support Marie and get exclusive resources, head to patreon.com/mariebeech. To learn more about Marie's DEI services, head to mariebeecham.com.

23 min