6 min

122 FearLESS Parenting Interview of Simone Knego_Pt 3 Fearless Parenting

    • Parenting

Moms and dads everyone has a story, and Simone Knego, author of “ The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” takes us inside her unique journey and the extraordinary moments which have shaped her life and defined her mission. She will share the lessons she’s learned from life’s ups, downs, and laugh-out-loud moments, you’ll be inspired to discover your own journey, and to go out into the world and be the best parent you can be.Link to Simone Knego’s book: The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You - https://sim...

Moms and dads everyone has a story, and Simone Knego, author of “ The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” takes us inside her unique journey and the extraordinary moments which have shaped her life and defined her mission. She will share the lessons she’s learned from life’s ups, downs, and laugh-out-loud moments, you’ll be inspired to discover your own journey, and to go out into the world and be the best parent you can be.Link to Simone Knego’s book: The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You - https://sim...

6 min