1 hr 13 min

129 Classic Who Rewind: The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot Noobs & the Whovian

    • TV Reviews

Live from Master Closet Studios, you’re listening to the only podcast on the internet whose hosts had to fight three other guys to host it: It’s the Noobs and the Whovian! 

My name is Austin and I’m the Whovian, and these are my sons Corbin and Tripp and we’re the noobs!

This is the podcast that introduces a whole new generation to Doctor Who by watching an episode each week and discussing it from the perspective of a dad who’s seen it before, and two sons who haven’t.

Welcome to Episode 129 covering the 2013 Special The Five(ish) Doctors.

This is the one where the Doctor helps the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, and the Doctor break onto the set of Doctor Who! Oh and steal their own costumes from a Doctor Who museum.

Production notes

* Story #3?* Originally aired November 23, 2013 * Written by: Peter Davison* Directed by: Peter Davison


* every-stinkin-body!


* Name of the episode spoken in dialogue?* Surprisingly, no* Creature of the week* The Wikia names Steven Moffat as the Main Enemy!* Jiggery Pokery* TARDIS * Lots of smack talk about Eleven’s TARDIS control room* The Question/Doctor Who?* Baker referred to himself as the Sixth Doctor Who

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Other stuff we noticed 

* I almost cried when Davison’s kids said “You know, it could just be Matt Smith and David Tennant.” * There were EIGHT living Doctors at the time, and we only got 2 and a new made-up one!* The Fifth Doctor’s daughter was eating her ice cream with a celery stick* Radio show – who was your favorite Doctor? Peter Cushing. Controversial pick.* He did the 1960’s movies Dr. Who and the Daleks and Dalek’s Invasion Earth 2150AD.* McGann couldn’t make it to the protest because of “filming commitments.” He was doing The Night of the Doctor* I love Steven Moffat’s regeneration scene!* Seven recreated the sugar decision scene from the episode we just watched!* Good catch, Tripp!* They were hearing the music changes!* Costumes* Davison’s t shirt was his costume* McCoy was wearing a hat and carrying an umbrella* Baker’s* I desperately wish the scene of them as the shrouded statues was real! But alas, it was a different take that used production crew members.

Who’s Who?

* Do you think they were playing themselves, or their Doctors?

Classic Who Connections

* Olivia Coleman has been in just about everything since 2000. She co-stared in Broadchurch with David Tennant* Olivia Coleman was also in Eleventh Hour!* Georgia Moffett (Peter Davison’s daughter and also played Jenny in The Doctor’s Daughter) is seen eating ice cream with a large celery stalk* On the radio, the announcer talks about his Doctor being Peter Cushing. Peter Cushing played the Doctor in two Doctor Who movies in the 1960s that both involved the Daleks. Doctor Who and the Daleks and Daleks Invasion Earth -2050 AD) Terry Nation sold the movie rights for the characters of Doctor Who and the Daleks and that’s how they came to be made, but the debate has long dragged on by fans as to whether they are canon or not. In the movies the Doctor is not an alien but an old professor who created a time machine/spaceship called Tardis (no acronym). Steven Moffat apparently made them canon in a novelization of The Day of the Doctor where he reveals that the First Doctor allowed Cushing to star in mov...

Live from Master Closet Studios, you’re listening to the only podcast on the internet whose hosts had to fight three other guys to host it: It’s the Noobs and the Whovian! 

My name is Austin and I’m the Whovian, and these are my sons Corbin and Tripp and we’re the noobs!

This is the podcast that introduces a whole new generation to Doctor Who by watching an episode each week and discussing it from the perspective of a dad who’s seen it before, and two sons who haven’t.

Welcome to Episode 129 covering the 2013 Special The Five(ish) Doctors.

This is the one where the Doctor helps the Doctor, the Doctor, the Doctor, and the Doctor break onto the set of Doctor Who! Oh and steal their own costumes from a Doctor Who museum.

Production notes

* Story #3?* Originally aired November 23, 2013 * Written by: Peter Davison* Directed by: Peter Davison


* every-stinkin-body!


* Name of the episode spoken in dialogue?* Surprisingly, no* Creature of the week* The Wikia names Steven Moffat as the Main Enemy!* Jiggery Pokery* TARDIS * Lots of smack talk about Eleven’s TARDIS control room* The Question/Doctor Who?* Baker referred to himself as the Sixth Doctor Who

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Other stuff we noticed 

* I almost cried when Davison’s kids said “You know, it could just be Matt Smith and David Tennant.” * There were EIGHT living Doctors at the time, and we only got 2 and a new made-up one!* The Fifth Doctor’s daughter was eating her ice cream with a celery stick* Radio show – who was your favorite Doctor? Peter Cushing. Controversial pick.* He did the 1960’s movies Dr. Who and the Daleks and Dalek’s Invasion Earth 2150AD.* McGann couldn’t make it to the protest because of “filming commitments.” He was doing The Night of the Doctor* I love Steven Moffat’s regeneration scene!* Seven recreated the sugar decision scene from the episode we just watched!* Good catch, Tripp!* They were hearing the music changes!* Costumes* Davison’s t shirt was his costume* McCoy was wearing a hat and carrying an umbrella* Baker’s* I desperately wish the scene of them as the shrouded statues was real! But alas, it was a different take that used production crew members.

Who’s Who?

* Do you think they were playing themselves, or their Doctors?

Classic Who Connections

* Olivia Coleman has been in just about everything since 2000. She co-stared in Broadchurch with David Tennant* Olivia Coleman was also in Eleventh Hour!* Georgia Moffett (Peter Davison’s daughter and also played Jenny in The Doctor’s Daughter) is seen eating ice cream with a large celery stalk* On the radio, the announcer talks about his Doctor being Peter Cushing. Peter Cushing played the Doctor in two Doctor Who movies in the 1960s that both involved the Daleks. Doctor Who and the Daleks and Daleks Invasion Earth -2050 AD) Terry Nation sold the movie rights for the characters of Doctor Who and the Daleks and that’s how they came to be made, but the debate has long dragged on by fans as to whether they are canon or not. In the movies the Doctor is not an alien but an old professor who created a time machine/spaceship called Tardis (no acronym). Steven Moffat apparently made them canon in a novelization of The Day of the Doctor where he reveals that the First Doctor allowed Cushing to star in mov...

1 hr 13 min