39 min

129. Zero Emission Island Hopping with Seagliders SAE Tomorrow Today

    • Tech News

No airport security. 180 mph cruise speed. Zero emissions. This is the future of island hopping in coastal regions around the world made possible by a completely new mode of transportation: all-electric seagliders.
As a pioneer in sustainable maritime mobility, REGENT recently achieved a revolutionary first in aviation for foil-to-wing take-off. We sat down with Billy Thalheimer, Co-Founder and CEO, REGENT, for an exclusive interview on his company’s ground-breaking Wing-in-Ground Effect (WIG) technology. He explains how seagliders are essentially two vessels in one—a hydrofoil ferry in the harbor that can take off onto its wings. Staying within about a wingspan of the water, seagliders can service routes up to 180 miles with existing technology, and 500 miles with upgradeable batteries.
Backed by some of the world’s premier investors, including Mark Cuban, REGENT is transforming regional air travel, decarbonizing maritime, and pioneering the first successful foil-to-wing flight.

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No airport security. 180 mph cruise speed. Zero emissions. This is the future of island hopping in coastal regions around the world made possible by a completely new mode of transportation: all-electric seagliders.
As a pioneer in sustainable maritime mobility, REGENT recently achieved a revolutionary first in aviation for foil-to-wing take-off. We sat down with Billy Thalheimer, Co-Founder and CEO, REGENT, for an exclusive interview on his company’s ground-breaking Wing-in-Ground Effect (WIG) technology. He explains how seagliders are essentially two vessels in one—a hydrofoil ferry in the harbor that can take off onto its wings. Staying within about a wingspan of the water, seagliders can service routes up to 180 miles with existing technology, and 500 miles with upgradeable batteries.
Backed by some of the world’s premier investors, including Mark Cuban, REGENT is transforming regional air travel, decarbonizing maritime, and pioneering the first successful foil-to-wing flight.

We’d love to hear from you. Share your comments, questions and ideas for future topics and guests to podcast@sae.org. Don’t forget to take a moment to follow SAE Tomorrow Today (and give us a review) on your preferred podcasting platform.

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Follow host Grayson Brulte on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

39 min