34 min

[130] Body Image Counseling Confidence - What Holds Us Back? with Amanda Mittman, MS RDN LDN Empowering Dietitians

    • Careers

In this episode of The Empowering Dietitians Podcast, host and dietitian supervisor Jess Serdikoff Romola sit down with Amanda Mittman, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, specializing in eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image.  Amanda is the owner of Happy Valley Nutrition in Amherst, MA, the only weight-inclusive and fat- positive group practice of Registered Dietitians in Western Massachusetts. She is also known as the Bitchin Body Image RD and supports other dietitians in feeling more confident in their body image counseling skills - which is exactly what she chats with Jess about in this episode!

DON'T FORGET! There is only ONE week left to register for Jess' upcoming masterclass, Channeling Dietitian Rage: From Resentment Toward Integrity. It’s happening on April 25th at 7pm ET, and it’s specifically about the anger and rage that is so common once dietitians start learning about the systemic roots of hustle culture. Rather than being paralyzed by that anger, or propelled forward by hatred, this masterclass will dive deep into anger as both an emotion and an advocacy tool, to help you move forward in a way that is both sustainable and aligned with your values. To learn more and register, head to ⁠⁠www.empoweringdietitians.com/masterclass⁠⁠.

If you liked this episode, you may also like:

[005] Cultivating Curiosity with Evelyn Tribole: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/005-evelyn-tribole
[053] Counseling Confidence with Stephanie Notaras: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/053-stephanie-notaras
[072] From Frazzled to Focused with Amanda Mittman: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/072-amanda-mittman

To connect with Amanda and learn more about the support she offers:

Free Guide: My Client Brought Up Body Image - Now What?

Free Bitchin Body Image RD Facebook group:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bitchinbodyimagerd

To connect with Jess and learn more about the support she offers:



In this episode of The Empowering Dietitians Podcast, host and dietitian supervisor Jess Serdikoff Romola sit down with Amanda Mittman, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, specializing in eating disorders, disordered eating, and body image.  Amanda is the owner of Happy Valley Nutrition in Amherst, MA, the only weight-inclusive and fat- positive group practice of Registered Dietitians in Western Massachusetts. She is also known as the Bitchin Body Image RD and supports other dietitians in feeling more confident in their body image counseling skills - which is exactly what she chats with Jess about in this episode!

DON'T FORGET! There is only ONE week left to register for Jess' upcoming masterclass, Channeling Dietitian Rage: From Resentment Toward Integrity. It’s happening on April 25th at 7pm ET, and it’s specifically about the anger and rage that is so common once dietitians start learning about the systemic roots of hustle culture. Rather than being paralyzed by that anger, or propelled forward by hatred, this masterclass will dive deep into anger as both an emotion and an advocacy tool, to help you move forward in a way that is both sustainable and aligned with your values. To learn more and register, head to ⁠⁠www.empoweringdietitians.com/masterclass⁠⁠.

If you liked this episode, you may also like:

[005] Cultivating Curiosity with Evelyn Tribole: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/005-evelyn-tribole
[053] Counseling Confidence with Stephanie Notaras: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/053-stephanie-notaras
[072] From Frazzled to Focused with Amanda Mittman: https://empoweringdietitians.com/podcast/072-amanda-mittman

To connect with Amanda and learn more about the support she offers:

Free Guide: My Client Brought Up Body Image - Now What?

Free Bitchin Body Image RD Facebook group:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/bitchinbodyimagerd

To connect with Jess and learn more about the support she offers:



34 min