38 min

#15: The Mussar Movement In Minneapolis (Julie Dean & Rabbi Tobias Divack Moss‪)‬ Temple Talks

    • Judaism

Rabbi Moss talks with Julie Dean about mussar, the ever-evolving practice of becoming a mensch. In this conversation, Julie offers ideas of how mussar can inform our journey through the High Holy Days and the year to come. She explains how a mussar va’ad, or facilitated group, offers a unique opportunity for developing one’s soul curriculum. Thanks to Julie’s mentorship, Temple Israel will be home to several va’adot in this coming year, 5782.

Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to TMoss@TempleIsrael.com. Talk with us!

Rabbi Moss talks with Julie Dean about mussar, the ever-evolving practice of becoming a mensch. In this conversation, Julie offers ideas of how mussar can inform our journey through the High Holy Days and the year to come. She explains how a mussar va’ad, or facilitated group, offers a unique opportunity for developing one’s soul curriculum. Thanks to Julie’s mentorship, Temple Israel will be home to several va’adot in this coming year, 5782.

Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to TMoss@TempleIsrael.com. Talk with us!

38 min