It's another milestone episode for me and I couldn't have a milestone without bringing back a big, big favorite of mine: Leigh Peele. Going back through the archives, we have two great episodes together (#28 and #117, also with Meghan Callaway) and this will one stand on it's own as well. Having listened to Leigh's podcast output over many years, I can say that we definitely venture down a new path together so I am very honored to have this episode with her. While we do cover a few different topics in this show, I think the general theme is learning how to get and accept certain degrees of discomfort in your life. I have to give a special thanks to everyone who has been a part of the 150 shows so far. To learn more about Leigh's work, please visit To learn more about your host, check out and You can also like our Facebook page at Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.
- Show
- PublishedNovember 1, 2018 at 5:00 AM UTC
- Length1h 2m
- RatingExplicit