23 min

18. Battling Fatigue with Words and Resilience: The Two Keys to a Writer’s Success AM I WRITE?

    • Books

Lilian Horn is a published author who writes fantasy and fiction books. She has a bachelor's degree in biomedical laboratory science, and her writing is heavily inspired by her Scandinavian roots, the inspiration for her inclusion of folktales from her side of the world. Tune in to Am I Write? today to talk about Lilian’s passion for incorporating mental health in her narratives, how she answers the writer’s call while constantly battling chronic fatigue, and how resilience and ada...

Lilian Horn is a published author who writes fantasy and fiction books. She has a bachelor's degree in biomedical laboratory science, and her writing is heavily inspired by her Scandinavian roots, the inspiration for her inclusion of folktales from her side of the world. Tune in to Am I Write? today to talk about Lilian’s passion for incorporating mental health in her narratives, how she answers the writer’s call while constantly battling chronic fatigue, and how resilience and ada...

23 min