27 min

#18 - Data privacy Q&A w/ Constantin Pavléas - part 2 The State of CRM in BtoC

    • Marketing

This is the second part of our Q&A with Constantin Pavléas, a Lawyer specialized in data privacy topics.  

 In this part 2/2, we talk about the right to be forgotten. 

What does it mean? 

And the impact on storage limitation.

 But also asking our guest how he sees the future of privacy regulation or if they are data streams that are safer to use than others?  

A lot of insights on all things related to data privacy.   

Enjoy the episode.

This is the second part of our Q&A with Constantin Pavléas, a Lawyer specialized in data privacy topics.  

 In this part 2/2, we talk about the right to be forgotten. 

What does it mean? 

And the impact on storage limitation.

 But also asking our guest how he sees the future of privacy regulation or if they are data streams that are safer to use than others?  

A lot of insights on all things related to data privacy.   

Enjoy the episode.

27 min