30 min

#197: Growing your app outside of the app stores with Jakub Chour, Mobile Growth at HER app Business of Apps Podcast

    • Management

There is a decent number of ways to market your mobile app on app stores. I think by now we all know them so well - App Store Optimization to drive native traffic, paid user acquisition via Apple Search Ads or Google Ads, acquiring users via paid ad platforms from Meta, TikTok, Alphabet and some more.
But at some point - for savvy app marketers this point comes pretty early in their app marketing journey -  you realize that it is not the end of the story. As much as it makes sense to connect your app via built-in search on app stores or use paid ad platforms, there are more ways to build your app’s user base when you think out of the box, specifically out of the app store :-)
In this episode, we’re going to cover with Jakub a few app marketing techniques to grow your app outside of the app stores.
Today’s Topics Include:
Jokub's background
What is HER app and its competition
Ways to market an app outside of app stores
Affiliate marketing or referrals as an app marketing channel
Using Generative AI for content marketing: pros and cons
How Viral marketing works for mobile apps
Most overhyped app marketing channel
What Jokub's would like to change about app marketing the most
Android or iOS?
Leaving his smartphone at home, what features would Jokub miss most?
What features he would like to see added to his smartphone?
Links and Resources:

Jokub Chour on LinkedIn

HER app website
Business Of Apps - connecting the app industry
Quotes from Jokub Chour:
"Well, I'll stick with the rule that says that if everyone else is doing it, it's not worth doing it.  I've seen a lot of outcomes from generative AI and I wasn't impressed in general for our niche. I mean like it's great to write an email, or, I don't know, a PR release, but it's it hasn't been great in the niches like ours."
"I wouldn't say channel, but definitely like Multimedia Modeling or Incrementality measurement are something that are like talked about a lot but I don't think that we are at a point to fully utilize that as I've seen some tools that are going this way. It's like telling a fairy tale. At this point  you can have it generating numbers, but for me, it is hard to trust it fully."
Business Of Apps - connecting the app industry since 2012
A message from App Promotion Summit
Tickets are available on all of our 2024 summits

NYC – 27 Jun 2024
San Francisco – 26 Sep 2024
Berlin – 5 Dec 2024

There is a decent number of ways to market your mobile app on app stores. I think by now we all know them so well - App Store Optimization to drive native traffic, paid user acquisition via Apple Search Ads or Google Ads, acquiring users via paid ad platforms from Meta, TikTok, Alphabet and some more.
But at some point - for savvy app marketers this point comes pretty early in their app marketing journey -  you realize that it is not the end of the story. As much as it makes sense to connect your app via built-in search on app stores or use paid ad platforms, there are more ways to build your app’s user base when you think out of the box, specifically out of the app store :-)
In this episode, we’re going to cover with Jakub a few app marketing techniques to grow your app outside of the app stores.
Today’s Topics Include:
Jokub's background
What is HER app and its competition
Ways to market an app outside of app stores
Affiliate marketing or referrals as an app marketing channel
Using Generative AI for content marketing: pros and cons
How Viral marketing works for mobile apps
Most overhyped app marketing channel
What Jokub's would like to change about app marketing the most
Android or iOS?
Leaving his smartphone at home, what features would Jokub miss most?
What features he would like to see added to his smartphone?
Links and Resources:

Jokub Chour on LinkedIn

HER app website
Business Of Apps - connecting the app industry
Quotes from Jokub Chour:
"Well, I'll stick with the rule that says that if everyone else is doing it, it's not worth doing it.  I've seen a lot of outcomes from generative AI and I wasn't impressed in general for our niche. I mean like it's great to write an email, or, I don't know, a PR release, but it's it hasn't been great in the niches like ours."
"I wouldn't say channel, but definitely like Multimedia Modeling or Incrementality measurement are something that are like talked about a lot but I don't think that we are at a point to fully utilize that as I've seen some tools that are going this way. It's like telling a fairy tale. At this point  you can have it generating numbers, but for me, it is hard to trust it fully."
Business Of Apps - connecting the app industry since 2012
A message from App Promotion Summit
Tickets are available on all of our 2024 summits

NYC – 27 Jun 2024
San Francisco – 26 Sep 2024
Berlin – 5 Dec 2024

30 min