16 min

200: In the News: The Truth About Folic Acid as a Prenatal Ancient Health Podcast

    • Alternative Health

Have you ever looked at the nutritional recommendations for pregnancy and wondered how accurate they are? In this deep dive mini episode, we compare Folic acid and Folate as it relates to recommended health guidelines. Topics covered in this episode:
Folate vs Folic Acid

Genetics and gene variants DHFR, MTHFR


Bio-individual nutrient needs

Genetic capacity for enzyme production

Foods highest in Folate

How to shop for a prenatal vitamin

Processed foods and the origin of Folic Acid

Chris Kresser Podcast Episode #179:Nutrients Dr. Ben Lynch Dirty GenesFollow @healthinstitute on Instagram! instagram.com/healthinstitute Join The Health Institute Newsletter! www.thehealthinstitute.com/wellness-weekly

Have you ever looked at the nutritional recommendations for pregnancy and wondered how accurate they are? In this deep dive mini episode, we compare Folic acid and Folate as it relates to recommended health guidelines. Topics covered in this episode:
Folate vs Folic Acid

Genetics and gene variants DHFR, MTHFR


Bio-individual nutrient needs

Genetic capacity for enzyme production

Foods highest in Folate

How to shop for a prenatal vitamin

Processed foods and the origin of Folic Acid

Chris Kresser Podcast Episode #179:Nutrients Dr. Ben Lynch Dirty GenesFollow @healthinstitute on Instagram! instagram.com/healthinstitute Join The Health Institute Newsletter! www.thehealthinstitute.com/wellness-weekly

16 min