27 min

22. Relationships Every Week English

    • Language Learning

I talk about Relationship vocab and used to + infinitive which are past habits that you no longer do.Vocab: classmate, close friend, colleague, couple, ex, fiancé, roommate, partner.Idioms:1. Bite the bulletMeaning: To get something over with because it is inevitable.Example: Vik was diagnosed with second stage cancer but he didn’t want to get chemotherapy. By the will of his wife, he bit the bullet.2. Go back to the drawing boardMeaning: Start over.Example: It is not too late to go back to t...

I talk about Relationship vocab and used to + infinitive which are past habits that you no longer do.Vocab: classmate, close friend, colleague, couple, ex, fiancé, roommate, partner.Idioms:1. Bite the bulletMeaning: To get something over with because it is inevitable.Example: Vik was diagnosed with second stage cancer but he didn’t want to get chemotherapy. By the will of his wife, he bit the bullet.2. Go back to the drawing boardMeaning: Start over.Example: It is not too late to go back to t...

27 min