15 min

24: Managing Headline Anxiety Women's Success Coach Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Episode Overview:

Headline anxiety is real and many people in the world are experiencing increased challenging emotions as a result of all that is happening. In this episode I talk about what happens in your body with Headline Anxiety and provide you with many concrete strategies you can start to implement immediately to help you feel better.

What I Cover:

I walk you through a brief breathing activity that will help you manage your nervous system and your stress and anxiety.

I also give you 11 tips for setting boundaries and managing what you are consuming and when. These include:
Turning off notifications.Scheduling set times where you will watch or read the news. Having “no phone zones”. Having “no phone times”. Muting, pausing, or unfollowing social media channels or individuals who seem to be triggering challenging emotions for you.Balancing out what you are consuming online. Seeking support from others and giving support to others, with boundaries.Practicing self-care. Controlling your thinking. Focusing what you can control. Keeping routines and life in general in order.
Let's Take Some Action:
Do you need to turn off notifications?Do you need to limit when you check the news or social media by setting a timer, making apps harder to access, having no phone zones, or by limiting the overall time you allow yourself to check news and social media each day?Do you need to mute or unfollow certain accounts or individuals?Do you need to intentionally make sure you are consuming positive information?Do you need to set boundaries with others about how much you will talk about things happening in the world, or do you need to refrain from talking about certain topics completely?Do you need to seek out more positive support?Do you need to practice better self-care and do the things that nurture you?Do you need to dump our thoughts out of your head through journaling?Do you need to spend more time focusing on the things you can control, versus the things that are outside of your control?Useful Resources:

Do you worry too much, overthink, assume the worst-case scenarios, spend a lot of time focusing on negative things that have happened, or discredit positive things happening? If so, you are dealing with the human brain we have all been given and you are not alone.

The good news is, you can change this and it may not take as long as you may think! If you want a free resource that will help you examine your thinking patterns, and change those that are not serving you, grab my 5 Common Thought Distortions Guide HERE.

Let’s stay in touch:

Website: www.KarenVincentSolutions.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenvincentsolutions/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenVincentSolutions

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarenVCoach

Episode Overview:

Headline anxiety is real and many people in the world are experiencing increased challenging emotions as a result of all that is happening. In this episode I talk about what happens in your body with Headline Anxiety and provide you with many concrete strategies you can start to implement immediately to help you feel better.

What I Cover:

I walk you through a brief breathing activity that will help you manage your nervous system and your stress and anxiety.

I also give you 11 tips for setting boundaries and managing what you are consuming and when. These include:
Turning off notifications.Scheduling set times where you will watch or read the news. Having “no phone zones”. Having “no phone times”. Muting, pausing, or unfollowing social media channels or individuals who seem to be triggering challenging emotions for you.Balancing out what you are consuming online. Seeking support from others and giving support to others, with boundaries.Practicing self-care. Controlling your thinking. Focusing what you can control. Keeping routines and life in general in order.
Let's Take Some Action:
Do you need to turn off notifications?Do you need to limit when you check the news or social media by setting a timer, making apps harder to access, having no phone zones, or by limiting the overall time you allow yourself to check news and social media each day?Do you need to mute or unfollow certain accounts or individuals?Do you need to intentionally make sure you are consuming positive information?Do you need to set boundaries with others about how much you will talk about things happening in the world, or do you need to refrain from talking about certain topics completely?Do you need to seek out more positive support?Do you need to practice better self-care and do the things that nurture you?Do you need to dump our thoughts out of your head through journaling?Do you need to spend more time focusing on the things you can control, versus the things that are outside of your control?Useful Resources:

Do you worry too much, overthink, assume the worst-case scenarios, spend a lot of time focusing on negative things that have happened, or discredit positive things happening? If so, you are dealing with the human brain we have all been given and you are not alone.

The good news is, you can change this and it may not take as long as you may think! If you want a free resource that will help you examine your thinking patterns, and change those that are not serving you, grab my 5 Common Thought Distortions Guide HERE.

Let’s stay in touch:

Website: www.KarenVincentSolutions.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenvincentsolutions/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KarenVincentSolutions

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarenVCoach

15 min