23 min

#24 - The Real Candidate Experience - Jonny Loudon The Recruitment Reality Podcast

    • Careers

I invited candidates who are #OpenToWork on Linkedin to come on my podcast and share their personal experiences searching for a job and working with recruiters. In this episode, I speak with Jonny Loudon, who has 14 years of experience serving in the military... and is now working to break into the tech startup world for a Senior Operations role. Watch on YouTubeRESOURCES MENTIONED:Jonny Loudon's LinkedinWillo.video - Video Interview Software

I invited candidates who are #OpenToWork on Linkedin to come on my podcast and share their personal experiences searching for a job and working with recruiters. In this episode, I speak with Jonny Loudon, who has 14 years of experience serving in the military... and is now working to break into the tech startup world for a Senior Operations role. Watch on YouTubeRESOURCES MENTIONED:Jonny Loudon's LinkedinWillo.video - Video Interview Software

23 min