240331 Sermon on Jesus being Lord (Easter) March 31, 2024 Rev. Michael Holmen's Sermons

    • Christianity

 Audio recording Sermon manuscript: “And they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” Everybody inevitably learns that there are some things you can’t change. Things have been written into our DNA, for example. One is predisposed for this. Another is predisposed for that. It’s disappointing, but what can be done? There are so many things like that. Things are the way they are. There’s a little bit of comfort that comes from acknowledging things as they are. Perhaps you’ve heard of the five stages of grief. The last stage is acceptance. That is the stage that everyone is looking for because of that little bit of comfort that comes with it. There’s a bit of peace. Prior to acceptance there is all kinds of fighting: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. Those are all ways of saying, “No!” Acceptance is that motherly voice that says, “Hush now. There there. Nothing can be done. In time you’ll come to accept it, then you’ll be at peace.” The reason why there is peace is because you finally acknowledge the superiority of the forces at work. They are much larger and stronger than you. If you can’t beat these forces, then you might as well quit fighting. It’s a relief to not have to fight anymore. Having settled down the choke chain can be taken off and a regular leash put on. The apostle Paul in several places in his letters talks about the superior and overwhelming powers and forces that exist in life. One of his favorite terms for this are the orderly pillars of this world, sometimes translated as the “principles of this world.” Paul says that we were enslaved to these things. That’s another way of saying that they are overwhelmingly superior to us. We have to accept things the way they are—we have no other choice—because there’s no changing them. But Paul proclaims something thrilling: God, in Christ, has set us free. We don’t have to resign ourselves to what is assumed to be inevitable. Not resigning yourself to what is deemed to be inevitable is one way to look at Jesus’s work. The blind person seems to be doomed to blindness—nothing can be done—and yet he sees. The deaf hears. The unrighteous persons—drug dealers, prostitutes, tax collectors, and such—need not be unrighteous forever. Even the dead person can have those seemingly unbreakable chains broken. Jesus preaches good news. Good news for those who are enslaved to overwhelming forces is the message: “You are free!” Think about Easter. Death is that ultimate force before whose superiority we grieve. Fight as you may, the best option seems to be acceptance. But, as Isaiah prophesied and as Jesus fulfilled, “Death is swallowed up forever.” The angel said, “You seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He’s not here. He has risen.” Jesus was no longer enslaved to death. He became its master. If Jesus can break this seemingly unbreakable chain, what others might be broken? The answer is all of them! This is made clear with the festival we will celebrate 40 days from now, which is closely related to Easter. 40 days from now we will celebrate Jesus’s ascension into heaven. He was raised up to the right hand of God the Father. This is the position of superiority over absolutely everything except God the Father. Try to think of something that you deem to be absolute and unchangeable. How about the laws of thermo-dynamics? The physicists say that they are unbreakable. Jesus can break them. How about the space / time continuum discovered by Einstein? Jesus is Lord over it. But these concerns can seem rather remote. How about that seemingly unchangeable law about money—namely, that those who’ve got it are going to keep it and those who don’t aren’t going to get it? Jesus is Lord. He has spoken about this. He turns things on their head. He says, “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation,” and, on the other hand: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours in the kingdom

 Audio recording Sermon manuscript: “And they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” Everybody inevitably learns that there are some things you can’t change. Things have been written into our DNA, for example. One is predisposed for this. Another is predisposed for that. It’s disappointing, but what can be done? There are so many things like that. Things are the way they are. There’s a little bit of comfort that comes from acknowledging things as they are. Perhaps you’ve heard of the five stages of grief. The last stage is acceptance. That is the stage that everyone is looking for because of that little bit of comfort that comes with it. There’s a bit of peace. Prior to acceptance there is all kinds of fighting: denial, anger, bargaining, depression. Those are all ways of saying, “No!” Acceptance is that motherly voice that says, “Hush now. There there. Nothing can be done. In time you’ll come to accept it, then you’ll be at peace.” The reason why there is peace is because you finally acknowledge the superiority of the forces at work. They are much larger and stronger than you. If you can’t beat these forces, then you might as well quit fighting. It’s a relief to not have to fight anymore. Having settled down the choke chain can be taken off and a regular leash put on. The apostle Paul in several places in his letters talks about the superior and overwhelming powers and forces that exist in life. One of his favorite terms for this are the orderly pillars of this world, sometimes translated as the “principles of this world.” Paul says that we were enslaved to these things. That’s another way of saying that they are overwhelmingly superior to us. We have to accept things the way they are—we have no other choice—because there’s no changing them. But Paul proclaims something thrilling: God, in Christ, has set us free. We don’t have to resign ourselves to what is assumed to be inevitable. Not resigning yourself to what is deemed to be inevitable is one way to look at Jesus’s work. The blind person seems to be doomed to blindness—nothing can be done—and yet he sees. The deaf hears. The unrighteous persons—drug dealers, prostitutes, tax collectors, and such—need not be unrighteous forever. Even the dead person can have those seemingly unbreakable chains broken. Jesus preaches good news. Good news for those who are enslaved to overwhelming forces is the message: “You are free!” Think about Easter. Death is that ultimate force before whose superiority we grieve. Fight as you may, the best option seems to be acceptance. But, as Isaiah prophesied and as Jesus fulfilled, “Death is swallowed up forever.” The angel said, “You seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He’s not here. He has risen.” Jesus was no longer enslaved to death. He became its master. If Jesus can break this seemingly unbreakable chain, what others might be broken? The answer is all of them! This is made clear with the festival we will celebrate 40 days from now, which is closely related to Easter. 40 days from now we will celebrate Jesus’s ascension into heaven. He was raised up to the right hand of God the Father. This is the position of superiority over absolutely everything except God the Father. Try to think of something that you deem to be absolute and unchangeable. How about the laws of thermo-dynamics? The physicists say that they are unbreakable. Jesus can break them. How about the space / time continuum discovered by Einstein? Jesus is Lord over it. But these concerns can seem rather remote. How about that seemingly unchangeable law about money—namely, that those who’ve got it are going to keep it and those who don’t aren’t going to get it? Jesus is Lord. He has spoken about this. He turns things on their head. He says, “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation,” and, on the other hand: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours in the kingdom