48 min

257 Sexual Abuse Recovery & Self Management – Schapers CoreBrain Journal

    • Natural Sciences

Sexual Abuse & Recovery
Rebecca & Kim Schaper – Openly discuss their family history with Sexual Abuse and Recovery in helpful detail. This is one you simply must listen to, with direct discussions about their family recovery process and work with others.
Their vulnerability, shame, and recovery practices will help others stand up and be counted.
Rebecca’s father molested both this mother and daughter. You must listen to this account to hear how these two open, brave women have reconstructed their lives.
Additional Family Insights
Rebecca was first interviewed on the challenging return of her schizophrenic brother years later at http://corebrainjournal.com/218
Photo by Michael Milverton on Unsplash

* Kim: https://www.kimschaper.com/about/
* Rebecca: https://www.rebeccaschaper.com/
* Seth Oberst – Therapist for Kim: https://www.sethoberst.com/about-me.html

Multiple Additional CBJ Experts on Improved Medical Interventions

* Sexual Trauma Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/219
* These Mindset Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/mindset
* Teen Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/teen
* Relationship Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/relationships
* Accelerated Resolution Therapy for PTSD – Dr. Kevin Kip: http://corebrainjournal.com/201

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Thanks to Kim and Rebecca for joining us here at CBJ to review your personal observations and research about the absolute value of direct interventions and recovery practices following sexual abuse.
Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.
Also, please leave an honest review for the CoreBrain Journal Podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and much appreciated. Reviews do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each one of them. Be counted.
Consider this: If this post with these several references is helpful, please take a moment to pass it on.
In closing, if you have any questions, drop a comment on any posting here at CBJ, and I’ll get back to you. This discerning show of world-class experts is here for you, your families, and your clients – to tighten our collective dialogue for more precise answers.
And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates,

Sexual Abuse & Recovery
Rebecca & Kim Schaper – Openly discuss their family history with Sexual Abuse and Recovery in helpful detail. This is one you simply must listen to, with direct discussions about their family recovery process and work with others.
Their vulnerability, shame, and recovery practices will help others stand up and be counted.
Rebecca’s father molested both this mother and daughter. You must listen to this account to hear how these two open, brave women have reconstructed their lives.
Additional Family Insights
Rebecca was first interviewed on the challenging return of her schizophrenic brother years later at http://corebrainjournal.com/218
Photo by Michael Milverton on Unsplash

* Kim: https://www.kimschaper.com/about/
* Rebecca: https://www.rebeccaschaper.com/
* Seth Oberst – Therapist for Kim: https://www.sethoberst.com/about-me.html

Multiple Additional CBJ Experts on Improved Medical Interventions

* Sexual Trauma Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/219
* These Mindset Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/mindset
* Teen Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/teen
* Relationship Experts: http://corebrainjournal.com/relationships
* Accelerated Resolution Therapy for PTSD – Dr. Kevin Kip: http://corebrainjournal.com/201

Forward This Audio Message Link To a Friend
Thanks to Kim and Rebecca for joining us here at CBJ to review your personal observations and research about the absolute value of direct interventions and recovery practices following sexual abuse.
Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of the post.
Also, please leave an honest review for the CoreBrain Journal Podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and much appreciated. Reviews do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each one of them. Be counted.
Consider this: If this post with these several references is helpful, please take a moment to pass it on.
In closing, if you have any questions, drop a comment on any posting here at CBJ, and I’ll get back to you. This discerning show of world-class experts is here for you, your families, and your clients – to tighten our collective dialogue for more precise answers.
And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get automatic updates,

48 min