44 min

31 Erika Cartledge - Black Dignity Diversity Goes to Work

    • Management

Today on the show we welcome Erika Cartledge. Erika started the personal stying website Your Chic is Showing, which helps build confidence through fashion and style. She has also served in a variety of marketing roles and is currently the Major Gifts Director for the Key School. She has 13 years experience in the finance industry and 5 years in the non-profit space, and is a part of Goldman Sachs 1 Million Black Women Initiative, a program focused on female sole proprietors who are starting or running businesses and helping give them the tools and information to grow and scale their business. 
If you’d like to follow William & Mary’s School of Business or learn more about the Diversity and Inclusion podcast and our programs, please visit us at www.mason.wm.edu.

Today on the show we welcome Erika Cartledge. Erika started the personal stying website Your Chic is Showing, which helps build confidence through fashion and style. She has also served in a variety of marketing roles and is currently the Major Gifts Director for the Key School. She has 13 years experience in the finance industry and 5 years in the non-profit space, and is a part of Goldman Sachs 1 Million Black Women Initiative, a program focused on female sole proprietors who are starting or running businesses and helping give them the tools and information to grow and scale their business. 
If you’d like to follow William & Mary’s School of Business or learn more about the Diversity and Inclusion podcast and our programs, please visit us at www.mason.wm.edu.

44 min