14 min

#32 Slippy Maggie by Miranda Langley The Painkiller Podcast

    • Performing Arts

You have been listening to Slippy Maggie, written by Miranda Langley, and starring Lesley Sharp as Jeanette. Slippy Maggie was directed by Alice Fitzgerald with sound design by Nicola T Chang. It was produced by Hew Rous-Eyre. Through The Painkiller Project, Bitter Pill has been collaborating with emerging playwrights since April 2020. Visit our website or follow us on Twitter for updates of upcoming submission windows.If you would like to support the work we do, please consider pl...

You have been listening to Slippy Maggie, written by Miranda Langley, and starring Lesley Sharp as Jeanette. Slippy Maggie was directed by Alice Fitzgerald with sound design by Nicola T Chang. It was produced by Hew Rous-Eyre. Through The Painkiller Project, Bitter Pill has been collaborating with emerging playwrights since April 2020. Visit our website or follow us on Twitter for updates of upcoming submission windows.If you would like to support the work we do, please consider pl...

14 min