41 min

334 - Whole vs. Broken Porn Free Radio

    • Self-Improvement

Do you see yourself as broken or an addict? Then this episode is for you.
Over the last 10 years, I have had a shift in my thinking;  I have moved away from diagnosing and pathologizing porn behaviors (disease model.) And I moved towards a choice/ownership model. I invite the guys I work with to examine their choices, define problematic behaviors, developing their why for going porn free, and come up with creative solutions to solve their challenges.
I treat guys from day one as whole people with the capacity and capability to form new habits and change their relationship with porn.
This is part 9 in our series, The Choice is Yours.
Get the full show notes here:
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you in your recovery:
Porn Free This Year (Free video course)
Buy the book, Porn Free by Matt Dobschuetz
Join a REV Group
1-on-1 Coaching with Matt Dobschuetz

Do you see yourself as broken or an addict? Then this episode is for you.
Over the last 10 years, I have had a shift in my thinking;  I have moved away from diagnosing and pathologizing porn behaviors (disease model.) And I moved towards a choice/ownership model. I invite the guys I work with to examine their choices, define problematic behaviors, developing their why for going porn free, and come up with creative solutions to solve their challenges.
I treat guys from day one as whole people with the capacity and capability to form new habits and change their relationship with porn.
This is part 9 in our series, The Choice is Yours.
Get the full show notes here:
PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you in your recovery:
Porn Free This Year (Free video course)
Buy the book, Porn Free by Matt Dobschuetz
Join a REV Group
1-on-1 Coaching with Matt Dobschuetz

41 min