56 min

348. Melissa Kwan: How to Hyper Grow on LinkedIn as Bootstrapping Entrepreneur Feisworld Podcast

    • Personal Journals

Get to know Melissa Kwan, our guest on Feisworld Podcast today:

Who am I: Cofounder and CEO of eWebinar, third-time bootstrapper, 13 years in startups, previous company acquired in 2019, digital nomad

Key Focus: Giving people back their time through webinar automation so they can grow their business without being there 24/7.

Find me:

Recent podcasts: ListenNotes
Email: hello (at) eWebinar.com
Website: eWebinar.com

LinkedIn: /melissakwan
Instagram: @themelissakwan
Twitter: @themelissakwan


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/feisworld/support

Get to know Melissa Kwan, our guest on Feisworld Podcast today:

Who am I: Cofounder and CEO of eWebinar, third-time bootstrapper, 13 years in startups, previous company acquired in 2019, digital nomad

Key Focus: Giving people back their time through webinar automation so they can grow their business without being there 24/7.

Find me:

Recent podcasts: ListenNotes
Email: hello (at) eWebinar.com
Website: eWebinar.com

LinkedIn: /melissakwan
Instagram: @themelissakwan
Twitter: @themelissakwan


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/feisworld/support

56 min