31 min

#385 - Plant-Based Babies! Nutrition for 6-12 months Alter Your Health

    • Alternative Health

Babies Thrive on Plants, TOO!... but they still need mother's milk/formula.It is generally advised that babies to start eating real, solid foods around 6 months. However through ~ 1 year of age, babies still get a dwindling majority of calories and nutrition from breastmilk.So, what foods should plant-based babies be eating???Most any real, whole food are wonderful for adults and babies alike. But of course since little ones generally lack teeth and fine motor skills of the tongue and mouth, ...

Babies Thrive on Plants, TOO!... but they still need mother's milk/formula.It is generally advised that babies to start eating real, solid foods around 6 months. However through ~ 1 year of age, babies still get a dwindling majority of calories and nutrition from breastmilk.So, what foods should plant-based babies be eating???Most any real, whole food are wonderful for adults and babies alike. But of course since little ones generally lack teeth and fine motor skills of the tongue and mouth, ...

31 min