39 Ideas For Life (Episode 21-39) How to Create Space for Connection - Interview Michelle K. Johnston 39 Ideas For Life

    • Self-Improvement

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Human relations, our lives; it is all about connection with each other. Therefore, to learn more about human connection, I talked to Michelle Johnston, PH.D., an expert in the field. Michelle is an executive coach and management professor at Loyola University New Orleans focusing on leadership and business communication. She is a leadership expert helping leaders achieve results through meaningful connection. Her research has shown a clear link between communication in a company and its positive financial performance. No surprise to me!

Michelle is also about to launch her new book titled ‘The Seismic Shift in Leadership’, which releases on February 22, 2022. I’ve been privileged to have received a copy prior to official publication, and simply loved the book. It’s practical, engaging, and full of inspiring examples of people both succeeding and failing in human connection, allowing the reader to learn from both sides. We have talked about her book, but also about her personal experiences of connection and disconnect, and the lessons learnt in the process. To anyone interested in connecting more with both him/herself and others, I believe you’ll enjoy both this talk and her book.

Website of Michelle K. Johnston: https://michellekjohnston.com

Project website: https://www.39ideasforlife.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/39ideasforlife
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/39ideasforlife/
Video of the interview: https://youtu.be/OSyOkTHF9C0

Human relations, our lives; it is all about connection with each other. Therefore, to learn more about human connection, I talked to Michelle Johnston, PH.D., an expert in the field. Michelle is an executive coach and management professor at Loyola University New Orleans focusing on leadership and business communication. She is a leadership expert helping leaders achieve results through meaningful connection. Her research has shown a clear link between communication in a company and its positive financial performance. No surprise to me!

Michelle is also about to launch her new book titled ‘The Seismic Shift in Leadership’, which releases on February 22, 2022. I’ve been privileged to have received a copy prior to official publication, and simply loved the book. It’s practical, engaging, and full of inspiring examples of people both succeeding and failing in human connection, allowing the reader to learn from both sides. We have talked about her book, but also about her personal experiences of connection and disconnect, and the lessons learnt in the process. To anyone interested in connecting more with both him/herself and others, I believe you’ll enjoy both this talk and her book.

Website of Michelle K. Johnston: https://michellekjohnston.com

Project website: https://www.39ideasforlife.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/39ideasforlife
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/39ideasforlife/
Video of the interview: https://youtu.be/OSyOkTHF9C0