1 hr 36 min

4 - Decoding the Mystery of 'Maya' | Swami Tattwamayananda Vivekachudamani | The Path of Wisdom

    • Spirituality

Verses: 110, 111, 113.

The 5th question: What is anatman?
Answer to the 5th question continues:
- Analysis of the Non Self (anatman):
- Karana-sharira
- Maya: the beginningless and the indescribable
- Maya: beyond description
- The mystery of creation: the Advaitic perspective:
- The nature of the world and its origin.
Avidya, Sakti, composed of three gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas.
Negative theology (Via Negativa) of Advaita Vedanta
The three powers in Maya:
- The power of false projection (vikshepa-sakti (विक्षेपशक्ती))
- The power of concealing the true nature of the reality (avarana-sakti (आवरणशक्ती)).
- Jnana reflected in the sattva-guna, one of the three constituents of Maya.

Verses: 110, 111, 113.

The 5th question: What is anatman?
Answer to the 5th question continues:
- Analysis of the Non Self (anatman):
- Karana-sharira
- Maya: the beginningless and the indescribable
- Maya: beyond description
- The mystery of creation: the Advaitic perspective:
- The nature of the world and its origin.
Avidya, Sakti, composed of three gunas: sattva, rajas and tamas.
Negative theology (Via Negativa) of Advaita Vedanta
The three powers in Maya:
- The power of false projection (vikshepa-sakti (विक्षेपशक्ती))
- The power of concealing the true nature of the reality (avarana-sakti (आवरणशक्ती)).
- Jnana reflected in the sattva-guna, one of the three constituents of Maya.

1 hr 36 min

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