53 min

47. Olivia Vizachero, The Less Stressed Lawyer — Take Control: Tools for A Life of Intention LawHer

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Taking charge of your time - and career - is not about quick hacks or hustle. It's about identifying the emotional problems that hold you to unobtainable standards. And moving past them.
Olivia Vizachero, attorney legal professional for nearly a decade, began The Less Stressed Lawyer to help attorneys prioritize well-being. So many of her colleagues were overworked, over-stressed, overwhelmed, and ready for a change. She dives deep into taking charge of your life and regaining control of your time. We uncover the emotional roadblocks that squander your time and the tools you need to put yourself first.
What's In This Episode?

Who is Olivia Vizachero?

How can we make better choices to regain control of our time and, ultimately, our lives?

Why is hustle not a solution to better time management?

How can we stop making decisions from a place of guilt and worry?

Why is shame, and not flaws, the opposite of perfection?

How do we move beyond limiting beliefs?

Taking charge of your time - and career - is not about quick hacks or hustle. It's about identifying the emotional problems that hold you to unobtainable standards. And moving past them.
Olivia Vizachero, attorney legal professional for nearly a decade, began The Less Stressed Lawyer to help attorneys prioritize well-being. So many of her colleagues were overworked, over-stressed, overwhelmed, and ready for a change. She dives deep into taking charge of your life and regaining control of your time. We uncover the emotional roadblocks that squander your time and the tools you need to put yourself first.
What's In This Episode?

Who is Olivia Vizachero?

How can we make better choices to regain control of our time and, ultimately, our lives?

Why is hustle not a solution to better time management?

How can we stop making decisions from a place of guilt and worry?

Why is shame, and not flaws, the opposite of perfection?

How do we move beyond limiting beliefs?

53 min