22 min

5. BTS of the Hardest Year of My Life and How I’m Making My Comeback from My Flop Era | Comeback Era Pt. 1 Novice to Noteworthy | Podcast Strategy for Entrepreneurs

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If you know me personally, or follow me on social media, you know this has been a really hard year for myself and my family. In this episode, I’m sharing all the things (okay, most of the things - my family’s privacy is very important to me!) that have been going on behind the scenes, and - more importantly - the actionable steps I’ve been taking to exit my flop era and get back in the game.

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Some key takeaways from this episode include:

Medication was a life changing tool for me this year. I didn’t realize how much stigma I still carried around mental health treatment even though I consider myself an advocate for mental health care.

Getting ready - meaning putting on “real clothes” and doing my hair and makeup - has made me feel human again. My confidence is better, I feel more energized going into the day, and I don’t cringe when I catch my reflection in the mirror.

This difficult season has exposed where there are cracks in the foundation of my life and business. One of the things helping me make a comeback is facing those issues head on to feel a better sense of control and move the needle forward.

Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis.

Connect with Novice Studios: 





If you know me personally, or follow me on social media, you know this has been a really hard year for myself and my family. In this episode, I’m sharing all the things (okay, most of the things - my family’s privacy is very important to me!) that have been going on behind the scenes, and - more importantly - the actionable steps I’ve been taking to exit my flop era and get back in the game.

Keep the party going!

Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist

Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter

Book a Discovery Call with Kristen

Some key takeaways from this episode include:

Medication was a life changing tool for me this year. I didn’t realize how much stigma I still carried around mental health treatment even though I consider myself an advocate for mental health care.

Getting ready - meaning putting on “real clothes” and doing my hair and makeup - has made me feel human again. My confidence is better, I feel more energized going into the day, and I don’t cringe when I catch my reflection in the mirror.

This difficult season has exposed where there are cracks in the foundation of my life and business. One of the things helping me make a comeback is facing those issues head on to feel a better sense of control and move the needle forward.

Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis.

Connect with Novice Studios: 





22 min