17 min

5. How to Actually Eat in Moderation Become a Confident Eater: Overcome Overeating, Establish Healthy Eating Habits

    • Self-Improvement

Imagine being able to take 3 bites of a cookie and then forget about it. 

Does that seem impossible to do right now?

Let’s change that!

We often try to solve this puzzle by labeling foods as either 'good' or 'bad' and setting strict rules for ourselves, but that almost always ends up in overeating.

Today you will learn:

mistakes you’re making that contribute to binge eating

How to stop putting food on a pedestal

Specific steps to eat in moderation

🎁Free gift! Download your guided audio to “Get Through an Urge WITHOUT Eating” ⁠HERE⁠!

For more brain-based eating tips:



💚Free Support Group


Imagine being able to take 3 bites of a cookie and then forget about it. 

Does that seem impossible to do right now?

Let’s change that!

We often try to solve this puzzle by labeling foods as either 'good' or 'bad' and setting strict rules for ourselves, but that almost always ends up in overeating.

Today you will learn:

mistakes you’re making that contribute to binge eating

How to stop putting food on a pedestal

Specific steps to eat in moderation

🎁Free gift! Download your guided audio to “Get Through an Urge WITHOUT Eating” ⁠HERE⁠!

For more brain-based eating tips:



💚Free Support Group


17 min