20 min

5 Wins From Every No Career Strategies for Women that Work

    • Careers

Collecting your noes has been an instrumental aspect of my work and my alignment in business today. I find that so many of us are so eager to always get a “yes” that we sometimes back out of anything that may not get us that answer. We fear getting the “no” – “No, we’re not interested,” “No, you’re not qualified,” “No, it won’t work right now.” You know then noes I’m talking about! They zing you where it hurts and bring up those awful feelings of fear, abandonment, low self-worth, and self-do...

Collecting your noes has been an instrumental aspect of my work and my alignment in business today. I find that so many of us are so eager to always get a “yes” that we sometimes back out of anything that may not get us that answer. We fear getting the “no” – “No, we’re not interested,” “No, you’re not qualified,” “No, it won’t work right now.” You know then noes I’m talking about! They zing you where it hurts and bring up those awful feelings of fear, abandonment, low self-worth, and self-do...

20 min