40 min

60. Hegel, what our feelings mean, and psychosomatics The Curious Mind

    • Mental Health

We all struggle with feelings: Should we feel them and identify with them, or should we sometimes use and sometimes repress them? We cannot answer this question if we cannot understand the role and importance of feelings. G.W.F. Hegel can give us valuable clues with his classification of feelings in his large-scale system of philosophy of spirit. I refer to several passages in Hegel, but mostly to paragraphs §387 and §401 in Part Three of Hegel's “Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences” from 1830.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/_wUnT8YjmtM
Homepage: https://www.gabriel-ellis.com/therapy

Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

We all struggle with feelings: Should we feel them and identify with them, or should we sometimes use and sometimes repress them? We cannot answer this question if we cannot understand the role and importance of feelings. G.W.F. Hegel can give us valuable clues with his classification of feelings in his large-scale system of philosophy of spirit. I refer to several passages in Hegel, but mostly to paragraphs §387 and §401 in Part Three of Hegel's “Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences” from 1830.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/_wUnT8YjmtM
Homepage: https://www.gabriel-ellis.com/therapy

Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

40 min