38 min

63. Tech + Family Series: How Covid Changed Kids' Lives, Tech Habits, + Finding Balance for Your Family, Anya Kamenetz The 5 to 8 Shift with Susannah McMonagle, a podcast for parents

    • Parenting

The third installment of our Tech + Family Series brings you a fantastic interview with Anya Kamenetz, author of The Art of Screen Time (2018) and The Stolen Year (2022). Anya shares valuable insight on why we should be intentional about screen time and takes it one step further by taking a deep dive look at where our kids are post-covid from an educational perspective.

On episode 63, we chat:
- Why time isn't always the most important measurement when it comes to screens
- Why parents must pay attention to the connections between screens and sleep
- Navigating the habits that devices bring on - setting good ones and correcting potentially negative ones
- The very real social deficits brought on by Covid - and what we can do as parents
- How leadership failed some of our most vulnerable communities during the pandemic
- Better understanding our kids' mental health state post-pandemic
- Why parents should attend Board meetings!
- ...and ultimately, why The Stolen Year is a account of resilience - for kids, families, and schools

Love this episode? Send me a message or let us know on Instagram. Share with your parent group today!

Connect with Anya:
Website // Instagram // Twitter // NPR

Connect with Susannah:
Instagram // Facebook // Website

The third installment of our Tech + Family Series brings you a fantastic interview with Anya Kamenetz, author of The Art of Screen Time (2018) and The Stolen Year (2022). Anya shares valuable insight on why we should be intentional about screen time and takes it one step further by taking a deep dive look at where our kids are post-covid from an educational perspective.

On episode 63, we chat:
- Why time isn't always the most important measurement when it comes to screens
- Why parents must pay attention to the connections between screens and sleep
- Navigating the habits that devices bring on - setting good ones and correcting potentially negative ones
- The very real social deficits brought on by Covid - and what we can do as parents
- How leadership failed some of our most vulnerable communities during the pandemic
- Better understanding our kids' mental health state post-pandemic
- Why parents should attend Board meetings!
- ...and ultimately, why The Stolen Year is a account of resilience - for kids, families, and schools

Love this episode? Send me a message or let us know on Instagram. Share with your parent group today!

Connect with Anya:
Website // Instagram // Twitter // NPR

Connect with Susannah:
Instagram // Facebook // Website

38 min