16 min

635 | NLP in My Business Now vs Then Own Your Choices Own Your Life

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode, I am sharing the tools of NLP, subconscious reprogramming, and how these tools have changed how I operate in my life and business over the last 3 years. I don’t even recognize myself, and I smile when I see those old versions show up again. Now this is not a slam myself moment, because that is not productive at all. I wanted to share how these tools have made a huge difference in my life and business and maybe you will see yourself in my story. 

In today’s episode, we discuss:
1) NLP, neurolinguistic programming, came into my life around 10 years ago, although I had no idea what it was.  Tony Robbins, his work impacted me tremendously years ago when I realized the words I was speaking had power in my life. It officially came into my life 3 years ago when I took my NLP practitioners, signing up while in the hospital trying to figure out how I was going to recover from back surgery. Let’s keep this super simple, someone asked me on a recent podcast what the difference NLP brought into my life and business and I decided to actually visit that question and write it down.

2)  Before - I did not trust my voice or my message, and deep down had that perfectionist/people pleaser message on repeat.  I pushed super hard, to burnout regularly as thought it was a badge of honour, I didn’t listen and I was in the constant spiral energy of proving my self-worth.  I made my thoughts, my results mean something about me and my self-worth.  I believed the limiting beliefs were true and were predicting my success or lack of success. I was on a constant search for more strategy as I was convinced I was missing it and it would help me move my “blocks”.  Another coach and another program would have the answer I was missing. When you search for or sign up from these things from a space of lack, you will never find what you are looking for.  These decisions need to come from a space of empowerment. 
3) After NLP - I am not going to tell you that it’s perfectly smooth without any challenges because that is ridiculous.  In fact I can tell you that we have been walking through one of the toughest years with so many challenges and all things considered, I am damn proud of myself for how I am navigating it all.  I trust my voice, message and live my life OUTSPOKEN, not in the reactive, waste energy way, but in the way that I honour my voice, energy and message.  I pick my battles.  I listen way more than ever, I honour my energy and I ask what I need and I honour and value it.  I prioritize rest, self care, healing and my subconscious reprogramming tools.  I recognize my thoughts as thoughts, and literally the building blocks to beliefs.  Rewriting and reprogramming new empowering thoughts, hello subconscious reprogramming.  Limiting beliefs, I go to the root cause with the techniques that I have access to create lasting changes, and I understand the power of my SBM to support my conscious mind in going after my goals

Building OUTSPOKEN Self-Belief Audio Bundle

Bonuses, save $1000, kick-off in January 2024
Join the OUTSPOKEN NLP Coaching Certification

Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster
Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share and publish their stories. 
Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life.  She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders and build platform businesses that create mas

In this episode, I am sharing the tools of NLP, subconscious reprogramming, and how these tools have changed how I operate in my life and business over the last 3 years. I don’t even recognize myself, and I smile when I see those old versions show up again. Now this is not a slam myself moment, because that is not productive at all. I wanted to share how these tools have made a huge difference in my life and business and maybe you will see yourself in my story. 

In today’s episode, we discuss:
1) NLP, neurolinguistic programming, came into my life around 10 years ago, although I had no idea what it was.  Tony Robbins, his work impacted me tremendously years ago when I realized the words I was speaking had power in my life. It officially came into my life 3 years ago when I took my NLP practitioners, signing up while in the hospital trying to figure out how I was going to recover from back surgery. Let’s keep this super simple, someone asked me on a recent podcast what the difference NLP brought into my life and business and I decided to actually visit that question and write it down.

2)  Before - I did not trust my voice or my message, and deep down had that perfectionist/people pleaser message on repeat.  I pushed super hard, to burnout regularly as thought it was a badge of honour, I didn’t listen and I was in the constant spiral energy of proving my self-worth.  I made my thoughts, my results mean something about me and my self-worth.  I believed the limiting beliefs were true and were predicting my success or lack of success. I was on a constant search for more strategy as I was convinced I was missing it and it would help me move my “blocks”.  Another coach and another program would have the answer I was missing. When you search for or sign up from these things from a space of lack, you will never find what you are looking for.  These decisions need to come from a space of empowerment. 
3) After NLP - I am not going to tell you that it’s perfectly smooth without any challenges because that is ridiculous.  In fact I can tell you that we have been walking through one of the toughest years with so many challenges and all things considered, I am damn proud of myself for how I am navigating it all.  I trust my voice, message and live my life OUTSPOKEN, not in the reactive, waste energy way, but in the way that I honour my voice, energy and message.  I pick my battles.  I listen way more than ever, I honour my energy and I ask what I need and I honour and value it.  I prioritize rest, self care, healing and my subconscious reprogramming tools.  I recognize my thoughts as thoughts, and literally the building blocks to beliefs.  Rewriting and reprogramming new empowering thoughts, hello subconscious reprogramming.  Limiting beliefs, I go to the root cause with the techniques that I have access to create lasting changes, and I understand the power of my SBM to support my conscious mind in going after my goals

Building OUTSPOKEN Self-Belief Audio Bundle

Bonuses, save $1000, kick-off in January 2024
Join the OUTSPOKEN NLP Coaching Certification

Marsha Vanwynsberghe — NLP Storytelling Trainer, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster
Marsha is the 6-time Bestselling Author of “When She Stopped Asking Why”.  She shares her lessons as a parent who dealt with teen substance abuse that tore her family unit apart. Marsha has been published 7xs, most recently with her co-platform, Every Body Holds A Story, and she is on a mission to continue to help women and men to speak, share and publish their stories. 
Through her tools, OUTSPOKEN NLP certification, programs, coaching, and podcast, Marsha teaches the power of Radical Responsibility and Owning Your Choices in your own life.  She empowers people how to heal and own their stories, be conscious leaders and build platform businesses that create mas

16 min