34 min

65. Nicole Ponstingle McCaffrey and Crystal M. Franklin on creating STEM opportunities for girls Built in Ohio

    • Careers

In this episode, we talk with Nicole Ponstingle McCaffrey and Crystal M. Franklin about inspiring girls to consider STEM careers. The conversation is centered around the American Heart Associations' STEM Goes Red for Girls event.This episode was recorded in August as the original date of STEM Goes Red for Girls was the fall. Due to Covid-19, the event was rescheduled for March 11th.For more information on STEM Goes Red and the event, please visit: https://ahacleveland.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/202...

In this episode, we talk with Nicole Ponstingle McCaffrey and Crystal M. Franklin about inspiring girls to consider STEM careers. The conversation is centered around the American Heart Associations' STEM Goes Red for Girls event.This episode was recorded in August as the original date of STEM Goes Red for Girls was the fall. Due to Covid-19, the event was rescheduled for March 11th.For more information on STEM Goes Red and the event, please visit: https://ahacleveland.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/202...

34 min