26 min

What Matters Most is Self-Acceptance - Ryan Lindner : 67 Because Everyone Has A Story - BEHAS

    • Personal Journals

Ryan Lindner is a personal development specialist and author. He's worked as a behavioral coach all over the world. Ryan talks about how two sudden, unexplained cardiac arrests at a young age taught him how to prioritize his time and energy. This is Ryan's story, a message of self-acceptance.In Ryan's book, "The Half-Known Life," he challenges the conventional thinking of success, identity, and personal change. Priorities change when time becomes precious.Let's enjoy his story.To connect with...

Ryan Lindner is a personal development specialist and author. He's worked as a behavioral coach all over the world. Ryan talks about how two sudden, unexplained cardiac arrests at a young age taught him how to prioritize his time and energy. This is Ryan's story, a message of self-acceptance.In Ryan's book, "The Half-Known Life," he challenges the conventional thinking of success, identity, and personal change. Priorities change when time becomes precious.Let's enjoy his story.To connect with...

26 min