37 min

Reality Stars - Mike and Lauren Sorrentino Breaking Barriers

    • Entrepreneurship

Your mind is the most powerful muscle in your body, and the mindset you have can sometimes save your life. When you go through failures in life, instead of backing down, you NEED to have the mindset to push yourself forward because you are THAT much closer to success. In this episode, Mike and Lauren Sorrentino, AKA The Situations, inspire us with their positive mental attitude and overall outlook on life; Waking up everyday with a clean slate, doing something today that makes your future sel...

Your mind is the most powerful muscle in your body, and the mindset you have can sometimes save your life. When you go through failures in life, instead of backing down, you NEED to have the mindset to push yourself forward because you are THAT much closer to success. In this episode, Mike and Lauren Sorrentino, AKA The Situations, inspire us with their positive mental attitude and overall outlook on life; Waking up everyday with a clean slate, doing something today that makes your future sel...

37 min