6 min

74/ the only change is from within my awakening - neoslife

    • Spirituality

neoslife on podcast
Recently I had the opportunity to share my journey from investment banking to Bitcoin, psychedelics, spirituality and neoslife on the Once Bitten Bitcoin podcast. If you enjoy this newsletter, you will enjoy this podcast. Here are the Spotify and Youtube links.
neoslife in development
This is an early-stage of what I am working on with a Shan, our 3D designer. It’s not a refection of the actual village but us playing with how to best display it:
neoslife on WhatsApp
The growing neoslife community has now a home: Join our 160 people strong WhatsApp chat to follow along.
Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

Earlier this week, I attended the ChangeNOW conference in Paris.
The conference website states:
WE ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD. We lead and amplify concrete actions that inspire and change norms, companies and individuals. Step into a sustainable world - THE LARGEST EVENT OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE PLANET.
It was a three-day conference but 24 hours after touching down I was back in Lisbon.
The conference was a full-on display why the world is not improving. None of the many incredible solutions will solve the problem of hunger, poverty, climate change, eco destruction or anything else.
Because none of them addresses the root cause of the problems we find ourselves in: Our way of being.
Here’s a 60 seconds video of me at the conference explaining.
The conference was heartless and many speakers inauthentic. The opening statements could not have been less inspiring. From the feel it could as well have been a banking conference.
What’s the problem?
The world we live in is a direct reflection of who we are being as a civilisation of eight billion people.
If I want to change the world so that I look better, become richer or more important I will not make a positive impact.
Neither if my solutions are focused on external, outside of me, solutions, no matter how brilliant or well intended.
When I create from ego or fear, what I create will be ego-driven and fear-driven and thereby amplify the problem not solve it.
What needs to precede any desire to change something is the desire to change oneself first.
Whatever I am doing is a function of who I am being.
The reason the world is not improving despite the millions of people trying to solve its problems and the trillions of dollars that are poured into the supposed solutions is simply because none are addressing the root cause:
Our separate sense of self.
As long as I believe my life is about me and I need to have more money, power or control to be safe or feel good, whatever I create will create more of the same.
Social media is a beautiful example. It was meant to make the world more connected but it really has created more silos, polarisation and separation. Not because there’s anything wrong with the technology but because technology simply amplifies who we are being.
AI will be the biggest amplifier of this and it will crush us if we don’t wake up from the illusion of being separate.
What’s the ‘solution’?
My primary job as a human is to evolve. This is the very purpose of life. If I am not evolving I am wasting my life because this is what I came here to do.
After I exit the body I am in stasis again and hence the opportunity to evolve is lost.
As a collective, we are meant to evolve from feeling separate from each other and therefore fighting and competing our way through life to remembering that we are individual expressions of one universal consciousness that simply uses the human life to experience itself and evolve.
We are this consciousness and we are playing with ourselves the human game of life.
How? By having forgotten who we truly are.
And the ‘job’ we came here to ‘do’ is to wake up from the dream of separation and to remember who we really are thereby returning to a state of pure love for life, the world, each other and most important

neoslife on podcast
Recently I had the opportunity to share my journey from investment banking to Bitcoin, psychedelics, spirituality and neoslife on the Once Bitten Bitcoin podcast. If you enjoy this newsletter, you will enjoy this podcast. Here are the Spotify and Youtube links.
neoslife in development
This is an early-stage of what I am working on with a Shan, our 3D designer. It’s not a refection of the actual village but us playing with how to best display it:
neoslife on WhatsApp
The growing neoslife community has now a home: Join our 160 people strong WhatsApp chat to follow along.
Thanks for reading my awakening - neoslife. Subscribe for free to receive new posts.

Earlier this week, I attended the ChangeNOW conference in Paris.
The conference website states:
WE ACCELERATE THE TRANSITION TO A SUSTAINABLE WORLD. We lead and amplify concrete actions that inspire and change norms, companies and individuals. Step into a sustainable world - THE LARGEST EVENT OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE PLANET.
It was a three-day conference but 24 hours after touching down I was back in Lisbon.
The conference was a full-on display why the world is not improving. None of the many incredible solutions will solve the problem of hunger, poverty, climate change, eco destruction or anything else.
Because none of them addresses the root cause of the problems we find ourselves in: Our way of being.
Here’s a 60 seconds video of me at the conference explaining.
The conference was heartless and many speakers inauthentic. The opening statements could not have been less inspiring. From the feel it could as well have been a banking conference.
What’s the problem?
The world we live in is a direct reflection of who we are being as a civilisation of eight billion people.
If I want to change the world so that I look better, become richer or more important I will not make a positive impact.
Neither if my solutions are focused on external, outside of me, solutions, no matter how brilliant or well intended.
When I create from ego or fear, what I create will be ego-driven and fear-driven and thereby amplify the problem not solve it.
What needs to precede any desire to change something is the desire to change oneself first.
Whatever I am doing is a function of who I am being.
The reason the world is not improving despite the millions of people trying to solve its problems and the trillions of dollars that are poured into the supposed solutions is simply because none are addressing the root cause:
Our separate sense of self.
As long as I believe my life is about me and I need to have more money, power or control to be safe or feel good, whatever I create will create more of the same.
Social media is a beautiful example. It was meant to make the world more connected but it really has created more silos, polarisation and separation. Not because there’s anything wrong with the technology but because technology simply amplifies who we are being.
AI will be the biggest amplifier of this and it will crush us if we don’t wake up from the illusion of being separate.
What’s the ‘solution’?
My primary job as a human is to evolve. This is the very purpose of life. If I am not evolving I am wasting my life because this is what I came here to do.
After I exit the body I am in stasis again and hence the opportunity to evolve is lost.
As a collective, we are meant to evolve from feeling separate from each other and therefore fighting and competing our way through life to remembering that we are individual expressions of one universal consciousness that simply uses the human life to experience itself and evolve.
We are this consciousness and we are playing with ourselves the human game of life.
How? By having forgotten who we truly are.
And the ‘job’ we came here to ‘do’ is to wake up from the dream of separation and to remember who we really are thereby returning to a state of pure love for life, the world, each other and most important

6 min