45 min

8. Designing your Author Website to Attract Target Readers for Your Christian Book with Angela Bouma Book Marketing Mania - Start a Podcast, Guest on Podcasts, Grow Your Author Platform

    • Marketing

📲 Send Kim feedback on this episodeNo matter how you are marketing your book online, your target readers will be visiting your website to learn more about how you can help them.What are the important components to include on your author website? How can readers quickly learn what you have to offer them? How can you refresh your current website to reflect your current brand and mission of serving your readers?That’s what we’re talking about today with my guest Angela Bouma of Bouma Desig...

📲 Send Kim feedback on this episodeNo matter how you are marketing your book online, your target readers will be visiting your website to learn more about how you can help them.What are the important components to include on your author website? How can readers quickly learn what you have to offer them? How can you refresh your current website to reflect your current brand and mission of serving your readers?That’s what we’re talking about today with my guest Angela Bouma of Bouma Desig...

45 min